Usage Manual

Before connecting: Add this site as a trusted site ((Settings Guide)

(This step is required for Windows Vista and recommended for the other OSs.) For Internet Explorer 7.0 on Windows Vista, it is necessary to add the security appliance to the list of trusted sites. This procedure is also recommended for the other OSs in order to prevent security-related pop-ups.
In Internet Explorer on Vista, "Protection mode" is the default mode. When the security appliance is added to the trusted sites, the security appliance can be used for communication even if "Protection mode" is activated. Before adding the security appliance to the list of trusted sites, refer to the guide.


Operating system

The operating system is Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP SP1 or SP2, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows 7, Linux (RedHat Linux 9, RedHat Enterprise Linux 3, SUSE Linux 10, Slackware 11.0, or Fedora 4 or 6), or Mac OS X 10.4.

Note: The client application is locally installed in the system


Caution: Be sure to log out, when you end the session.

You must log out when you end the VPN remote access session. If you fail to log out, others may gain unauthorized access to the network by using your account.