Babysitter Discount Benefit

Babysitter Discount Coupons

We issue "Babysitter child-raising support discount coupons" to help Nagoya University faculty and staff balance child-raising and work.
If you use babysitter services using this discount coupon, you can receive a discount of 1,700 yen from a day's usage fees (services more than 1,700 yen/day).


Eligibility Nagoya University faculty and staff (including non-regular workers working 29 hours/ week or more) In principle, this service can be used for those whose spouse is working and who have difficulties in working without this service)
Age of children From 0 to Grade 3, as well as children up to Grade 6 who require health-related care
Discount amount 1,700 yen / day per family


Cautions during usage

  1. This is limited to when you use a babysitter service while you are working. At a later date, a staff in the employee benefits division in charge of gender equality “the person in charge”), will obtain your employment records to confirm.
  2. This is limited to child care within the user's home or when requesting the child be sent to a daycare facility (this cannot be used for child care anywhere other than the above, such as baby rooms, group daycare, event daycare, hospital daycare, or the babysitter's home.)
  3. Please ask for the number of coupons that suits the number of hours you will be using the babysitter's services. In some cases, we confirm your usage plans with you. If you initially planned to use this coupon but no longer need to use them, please return the coupons promptly.
  4. You may not lend or transfer these discount coupons to anyone else.
  5. The usage method may be changed based on usage conditions.

* Application Method
* Procedure workflow
* Babysitter discount coupon application form (Download)