Application Procedure
- Please conclude a usage contract and request usage with a babysitter business that have concluded a coupon acquisition contracts with for the "Kodomo mirai zaidan Foundation".
When doing so, please confirm that the details below have been written in the contract.- Address, name, and representative of babysitter business
- Address and name of user
- Service details and fees
- Disclaimer for the babysitter business in the event of an accident
- Other items required to use the service
- At the beginning of every year, send the "Babysitting discount coupon application form" ("discount coupon application form"), the "Contract with the babysitter business (copy)", "Staff ID of the applicant (copy)", along with proof that it is difficult to work without this Service, such as the "Certificate of employment of spouse (copy)" , to the person in charge by campus mail.
In principle, please apply by sending an email to the address below below in a previous month for the usage .
- The person in charge will issue the "discount coupons" to you. (will be sent by campus mail.)
The procedure for using this service may depend on babysitter business, but the below is a general procedure:
- Have a babysitter enter the usage time, date used, babysitter business name, and babysitter name to half-coupon used for reporting.
- Have a babysitter enter the babysitter business name, babysitter name, and usage fee to the discount usage coupon.
- The user confirms the details and enters the usage day and usage time into the discount usage coupon.
- Separate the discount usage coupon from the half-coupon for reporting, and give the babysitter the discount usage coupon.
- Pay the babysitter the amount minus 1,700 yen.
- After using the babysitter service, send half-coupon of the "discount coupon" within 7 days to the person in charge by campus mail.
Caution for application
- Send the "Discount coupon application form", "Contract with the babysitter business (copy)", "Staff ID of the applicant (copy)", "Certificate of employment of spouse (copy)" , to the person in charge by campus mail at the beginning of the year.
- If you change the babysitter businesses partway through, submit the new "Contract with the babysitter business (copy)" to the person in charge.
Person in Charge of Gender Equality
extension 3939(Higashiyama Region),FAX 5981 (Higashiyama Region)