Grant program for presentation at international academic conferences
This program is being implemented as part as the "Employment Acceleration / Career Development Program for Women Researchers: The Nagoya University Model" selected in FY 2010 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Program to accelerate female researcher training system reform". Through grants and university expenses, the aim of this program is to foster truly accomplished female researchers by providing financial support for travel costs and conference costs for these researchers to present research results at international conferences.
Academic conferences held overseas by March 31, 2013, where the applicant will return by March 31. (Limited to those who are presenting their research results themselves.)
Details of support
Travel costs (airfare, per diem, lodging, etc.), conference participation cost
* The travel costs will be provided in accordance with the University's travel cost rules.
* Depending on the budget and the application status, we may be unable to compensate applicants for the entire cost.
Qualification to apply
Regular female teaching staff in the sciences, engineering, and agriculture (does not include special teaching staff who have been employed for a project over a set period of time etc.)
Application method
Please submit the document below to the Person in Charge of Gender Equality in the Personnel Section, General Affairs Div. When the budget for this program ends, we will stop accepting applications.
(1) Application form (permission from head of workplace) (Available from the "Download document link"at the bottom of the page.)
(2) Pamphlet etc. for conference (Copy)etc.(Name of conference, time, and nature of what the applicant will present)
(3) Schedule sheet
(4) Travel cost estimate (Copy)
(5) Airfare estimate (Copy)
(6) Documents showing the conference participation costs (costs of meals and banquets are not covered.)
Selection method
The Gender Equality Promotion Special Committee makes a determination based on a review of the documents and, as needed, based on an explanation from the applicant
Notification of results
We will announce the results of applications that are made up until the end of the month by the middle of the following moth.
* We are able to respond to sudden requests as well, so please contact us.
Procedures to take after determination
1) The trip order will be created by the Personnel Sect., General Affairs Div. (the office or division to which the applicant belongs will be consulted.)
2) After the trip, please submit the next document to the Person in Charge of Gender Equality in the Personnel Section, General Affairs Div.
(1) Travel cost estimate(Copy)
(2) Airfare estimate(Original)
(3) Airline ticket stub(Original)
(4) Airfare receipt(Original)
(5) Trip report(Form 1-2)
(6) Journal over overseas trip
(7) Documents showing that the applicant presented research results
(8) Billing statement for conference participation costs (costs for meals and banquets are not covered.)
(9) Receipt for conference participation fees
* Please be aware that if you receive this support, we may ask for your cooperation when we are writing reports etc., and we thank you for your understanding.
Person in Charge of Gender Equality in the Personnel Section, General Affairs Div.
Internal 3939 (Higashiyama Region) FAX 5981 (Higashiyama Region)
e-Mail :
Download documents
Application form[Word/35KB] Application form