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Asunaro Nursery school helps Nagoya University faculty and staff balance work and life, as well as their children’s development. Asunaro provides an environment that flexibly meets work/study schedule of the university faculty, staff and students and helps their career development. Asunaro also provides child raising which creates strong and kind children with support of the university and nearby communities.

UP Outline
Date of the establishment
July 1, 2009
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 7:30AM to 10:00PM
Saturdays 7:30AM to 7:00PM
(Closed Day : Sundays, Holidays, New Years, University holidays)
* Hours for sick-child daycare are Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 6:00PM
80 children (Regular daycare: 73 children; Temporary daycare: 5 children, Sick-child daycare: 2 children)
57 days old to pre-elementary age
Daycare Types
Regular daycare, temporary daycare, and sick-child daycare
Sick-child daycare
Please see "Sick-child daycare at Nagoya University"
Regular Staff: Director, Full-time nursery teachers (allocated depending on the age and the number of children), 1 Nurse, 1 Cook
Part-time staff

Operation Structure

Asunaro nursery school is operated by Nagoya University in accordance with the Nagoya University Asunaro Nursery School Consortium. Daycare work is operated by a company that the university contracts out.
UP Daycare hours
Opening Hours Monday to Friday* 7:30AM to 10:00PM    ×
Both regular and temporary daycare    *excluding holidays
7:30AM   10:00PM

Saturday*    7:30AM - 7:00PM    ×
Both regular and temporary daycare    *excluding holidays
7:30   19:00

Regular daycare  Please choose Core time A (10 hours) or Core time B (8 hours)
  (1) Basic daycare
  (Monday to Friday)
      Core time A
10 hours during this period 7:00PM
      Core time B
8 hours during this period 7:00PM

  (2) Non-basic daycare hours
7:30AM   7:00PM〜10:00PM
7:30AM    per 15 minutes           7:00PM

Temporary daycare
7:30AM    per 15 minutes           7:00PM 10:00PM
7:30AM    per 15 minutes           7:00PM

Sick-child daycare
8:00AM   per 15 minutes   6:00PM

UP Fees
Regular daycare
Admission fee \20,000

Basic daycare fees (including lunches and snacks)
*Age    Core Time A (10 hours/day) Core Time B (8 hours/day)
0   \55,000/month \50,000/month
1   \53,000/month \48,000/month
2   \50,000/month \45,000/month
3 to pre-elementary age   \48,000/month \43,000/month
* Ages are as of April 1 of that year.
* When the first child is in the daycare, after the second child, the admission fee is a half price.

Additional daycare fees
Additional daycare fee  (daycare during non-basic daycare hours) \125/ 15 mins
Non-basic hours daycare fee 
(Daycare for times other than the basic time and on Saturdays)
\150/ 15 mins
Sick-child daycare fee (weekdays 8:00AM to 6:00PM)
(in the case a child has not recovered completely but meets the
acceptance criteria and has no sudden changes to symptoms)
\75/ 15 mins
Meals (per meal)
Lunch \420
Dinner\ 420
Snack\ 210
*For regular daycare users of Asunaro and Cosmos, the sick-child daycare fee is the above additional daycare fee (\75/ 15 minutes).
For all the others, the sick-child daycare fee is \150/15 mins.

Temporary daycare
Registration fee \5,000

Daycare fees
Basic daycare hours (weekdays 7:30AM to 7:00PM) \125/ 15 mins
Non-basic daycare hours (weekdays 7:00PM to 10:00PM, Saturdays) \150/ 15 mins
Meals (per meal)
Lunch\ 420
Dinner\ 420
Snack \210
*After registering, please reserve a space by phone or e-mail by 5:00 pm, two days prior to the request date (excluding closed days of the daycare). Reservation can be made within 90 days of the usage.

Sick-child daycare
Please see the page for details.

UP Contact

For questions regarding acceptance, registration and application for temporary daycare,
as well as Asunaro Nursery School:

Personal Management and Labor Relation No.3 Division, General Affairs Department, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University

Tel: 052-744-2778
Fax: 052-744-2428
E-mail :

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